FINDING TINY FEATHERS Are you finding tiny feathers in odd places? Quite a few of my Energy Balancing clients have reported finding tiny feathers on their mantel, in the kitchen, on the bedroom floor, etc. At close look these are unlike regular bird feathers. I found one...

Readings Using Viking Runes In 1991, I officially became a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. In the Open Forum I held in my home, I'd either conduct a Spirit Medium Channeling session, perform a Past Life Regression or introduce a speaker on  "metaphysical" subjects. Here is the story...

Betrayed by Your Beliefs Coming out of the pandemic, there are many fractured people that have "Belief Betrayal." Are you betrayed by your beliefs? Here’s what I mean: We’re given a framework for what we expect about our life - what is our destiny, our purpose, and...