31 May Geomagnetic Storms
Geomagnetic Storms
Recently Earth was impacted by major activity from the sun referred to as geomagnetic storms. The affects were so powerful that aurora borealis were created and could be seen from various points across the globe. You may have lived in an area where you could go outside and observe the beautiful colored light show. Many of us saw gorgeous photos on social media. These Geomagnetic Storms threat are more than are easily seen at first.
These geomagnetic storms have powerful vibrations that affect us as human beings. (It’s radiation!) Those people who are more sensitive, Empaths, feel these more profoundly. It’s always important to consider what is going on around you that may be unseen and that could be creating your anxiety, crankiness, inability to sleep, restlessness, or depression, etc.
In my Life Coaching/Readings I often speak of how the energy around us affects us, even though we can’t see it with the naked eye. In the video link below that I’m sharing you can see an experiment showing how vibrations affect energies. This is important for you to know.
For some time, I have been posting about satellites, geomagnetic storms, and polarity of the Sun in its 11-year cycles because in Visions I see the negative impact on us in the future.
I do see a time when this activity from the Sun knocks out radio waves and causes blackouts, shutting down the Internet and satellites, disrupting communication on all the devices we now use daily. I don’t feel this is in the United States, but I saw it as in the European countries, probably the Middle East. Though I don’t think it is stoppable now, I do think “forewarned is forearmed.” It will take months for needed repairs and construction should this happen. Can you imagine the chaos all over the world!
By now you are probably asking when? I am anticipating a major collapse in the early months of 2025; however, timing can fluctuate depending on factors such as how many more satellites, spaceships and rockets are sent up. I believe all the rain is helping cool the planet, even though tornadoes are created by the hot and cold air mix.
It seems all this bombing all over the globe will also determine our futures. The bombing wreaks havoc on the Earth’s grids, sending magnetic forces out, which could impact the protective magnetic field that surrounds the Earth. My visions, Spirit, says that this erosion of the Earth’s outer atmosphere has already begun.
Of course, I do believe that prayer and envisioning peace and healing create movement on the atoms and molecules, and anything is possible. In my mind, it is very important that we recycle and think of ways to live should this happen. I believe in always having a Plan B, C, and D.
During Reading/Coaching/Energy Balancing sessions, I teach the principles of my Mind Alchemy discoveries regarding how our thoughts and the energy around us can be used to enhance our lifestyle and bring those things into our life that we have always wanted. I hope you’ll sign up for my Energy Balancing sessions. It’s such an easy way to change your life. There are many testimonials on its positive effects on the website at lindybaker.com
YOUTUBE: Cymatics: Science vs. music by Nigel Stanford
Click here for a full explanation of what takes place in an Energy Balancing session. https://lindybaker.com/Energy
Coming soon: It’s a Lindy Thing, an online fun and exciting meeting to ask questions on any subject.
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. Lindy Baker, M.Ed., C.E.C.P., Clairvoyant Life Coach, “Top 10 Psychics” Globe Magazine, “Favorite Psychic Medium” About. com, WB5 News San Diego CA, “The Best”, Public Service Award Stark Co. Prosecutor’s Office for Victim/Witness Assistance Program Lindy Baker is an American world-renown, Gifted Clairvoyant & Life Skills Coach (psychic), Spirit Medium and Messenger. Copyright © Lindy Baker. All rights reserved.
New Service! Lindy is a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner. Whether you’re struggling with relationship questions and issues or career and business decisions, you’ll benefit from talking to Lindy. Call/Text (858) 272-6463. Testimonials and other information are available at LindyBaker.com