13 Feb Valentine’s Day LOVE
On February 14, Valentine’s Day, the message is one of Love.
It is said that the day started with a Saint Valentine who signed a letter with “From your Valentine.” Encyclopedia Brittanica explores the religious connection. I discovered when reading about Saint Valentine that he didn’t get the love back he was sending out! That happens! (Click to Read)
Valentine’s Day is a day that is celebrated all over the world. When I was in kindergarten, it was a really big deal to get a bunch of cards and candy hearts. I’m so enthralled to get a happy Valentine’s greeting yet today. Doesn’t it mean so much more when we receive a Valentine’s greeting from those we love? Even if you don’t love me, I am wishing you a day filled with Love on Valentine’s Day.
Happy Valentine’s Day to you from me.
May you have love surrounding you and through your body, mind and soul.
To celebrate Love, I’m offering a 2 for 1 LOVE SPECIAL. Any 2 people can sign up for a one hour session, but only pay for one person and the second one is free. (You must mention the Love Special when signing up for the hour session or sign up below.)
Do you ever feel closed off to love, feeling as if you cannot connect deeply with those around you? Often our past experiences can create emotions that isolate us from others. We can unconsciously set up blocks that impede receiving love. It can be challenging to overcome those feelings that have carried over from past disappointments and relationships that failed so we can find love.
Whether it’s romantic love, or love for our pets, family, and friends, experiencing love within our relationships is one of the most rewarding feelings in the world. So how can you break through feelings of disconnection, and access the relationships you desire? Energy healing can help!
Find Love with Energy Healing
I have been an Emotion Code Practitioner for several years now. Many people have reported experiencing more love in their life after working with an Emotion Code practitioner. In fact, these results are quite common!
While there is no promise that every person will experience these changes after trying energy healing, hundreds of recipients have shared amazing experiences about the shift they felt in their relationships, especially when Heart Wall and Inherited Trapped Emotion are released.
Releasing Emotions to Access Love
A Heart Wall can form when the energy of one or more emotions becomes trapped around the heart. It is a fairly common occurrence that practitioners find in their clients and that can have a huge impact on the ability to receive and share love.
While this energetic barrier occurs because your body is trying to protect your tender heart, it can keep you from feeling positive emotions such as joy, gratitude, and love. If you’ve ever felt like you have struggled to open up to the people around you, as though something holds you back from fully connecting with others, or stops you from feeling emotions deeply, you may have a Heart Wall.
I have found that emotions trapped and located in other parts of the body can also impact your ability to access positive emotions. Two of these I identify as Food Walls and Physical Walls. In the process of my Energy Balancing, using applied kinesiology (muscle testing), we communicate with your body so that you can locate and release those stuck emotions that may be holding you back from your optimum emotional health.
Once this barrier is resolved, emotions will be able to touch your heart in a more profound, powerful way. Some recipients have reported that they suddenly felt much closer to their friends, more connected to their partners, or immediately open to meeting new people.
If you’re curious how energy balancing might transform your relationships, what are you waiting for? As a part of your own Self Care and evolution, sign up for my $50 Energy Balancing Special to give this fabulous energizer a tryout. CLICK HERE
Again, wishing you a Happy Valentine’s Day with love,
Gifted Clairvoyant & Life Coach
(858) 272-6463