Numerology uses numbers one to nine.

2024 FREE Personal Year Numerology Report

2024 FREE Personal Year Numerology Report

What’s in store for you in 2024 in numerology?

Let’s use your birthdate and numerology to find out what energies you can expect in 2024 according to YOUR numbers.

First, I’ll explain how to find your Personal Year 2024 using numerology with my special original formula. You can find your own Personal Year for 2024 in numerology by adding it all up!

Happy New Year. It’s 2024!
Every year many people are excited and hopeful that a new year brings a new life filled with joy, happiness, and memorable events. They’re ready for CHANGE, ready to have the sorrows and problems of the last year left far behind, ready to make resolutions to be better and make their desired change happen. (To some people, it is just another day after the day before!)

I post this Numerology information several times every year so that you can determine what PERSONAL energies are in your favor or against you for the upcoming year. If you know what energies exist, you can tailor your goals and outcomes with these in mind.

Beginning in my early teens, I wrote down the birth date of people that I knew to conduct my own astrology and numerology research. You may find my computations a bit different than those of other numerologists; however, keep in mind that my research is over a lifetime and based on speaking to thousands of people over the years, asking about their birth date. I used my own research,  not information evolving from someone else’s discoveries or books.

By the way, your own personal New Year really takes place on your birthday every year. The 52 days prior to your birthday is YOUR ending cycle and the absolute best time for resolutions if you want them to stick. That cycle represents your cycle for ending things and starting new ones.

In Numerology there are only nine yearly cycles. When these 9 are completed, you begin again in a “1” cycle. An 11 year is an exception and is explained further below.

My computations are based on the Gregorian Calendar. (There are about 40 different calendars used in the world today.)

Your birth date is your real New Year’s Day.
Your personal year and the full energy of your year starts on your birthday. However, starting on January 1, as you enter the new year, you will feel some of the effects, even if your birth date is later in the year. These new year energies intensify in the months after your birthday.

For example: If your birthday is in the latter part of the year, you would still be using your LAST birthday, in 2023, to find your year. In other words, say your birthday is June 15. You will compute your year using 2023, until your actual birthday in 2024. That is when your year truly begins.

First, you need to figure out your Personal Year Number so you can look it up in the chart below.

To arrive at your Personal Year Number, add your birth month and date to 2024 (2+0+2+4). I’ve added a form to help you figure out your personal year. (It really isn’t complicated, but I have had people need further explanation, thus the form.)

Here is an example of how it will break down:
January 14 birth date is 1 (the number for the month) +1+4 (day) and 2+0+2+3 = 13 = 4.
It should appear as 1+1+4+2+0+2+3 — which is reduced down to one number, which is 4. (If you add and come up with 2 digits, you add those together until you have only 1 digit.) A person with the birth date of January 14 is in a Personal Year 4.

If you have any difficulty following what I am teaching above, use the following form step-by-step to help you find your personal year.

  1. Place the number for the month you were born here:    + ______
    NOTE: October, November and December have 2 digits so they would appear as 1 + 0, 1 + 1, 1 + 2
  2. Place the number for the Day you were born here:     + ______
    NOTE: If two numbers show it as (first number) + (second number).
  3. Place the number you have in A followed by the number or numbers in B here: _______________________(Example: June 15 = 6+1+5)
  4. Now write + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 after that set of numbers. ______________
    (Example using June 15: 6+1+5+2+0+2+3 = 19 = 1+9= 1. June 15 birthdate totals 1 Personal Year.)
  5. Now add them all together as shown in the example for June 15. TOTAL: ___________________
    If your total is 2 digits, then you will reduce that to one number by adding them together. Example: 1+ 9 = 10 = 1
  6. This one digit is now the number you will use to find your year.

Your numbers should appear as   A + B + D added across.

NOTE:  When adding your month, day and the current year, if the total is “11” which is broken down into a 2, your number is “11” and not “2” because 11 is a major number.  You will want to read your Personal Year 2, keeping in mind this additional information. In an “11” year, you will experience a very deep relationship with another  person. This person may enter your life as a mentor or guide and could be a strong Twin Flame (Soulmate) and actually result in a marriage. Married people may find themselves emotionally wandering during an 11 year. Areas that the relationship needs to be strengthened in may become quite clear. It is a year when your purpose in life becomes clear-cut. People can become quite intuitive during this time and experience déjà vu much of the time.

Schedule a Reading or Energy Balancing with Lindy Baker NOW


Personal Year 1
. . . New Beginnings

The current year is the beginning of a new nine-year cycle for you.

Inherent in this year is the promise of life being a new adventure that will last many years forward, the first of the nine. During this period, you’ll clarify your goals so that you can act on them.  It’s a very high energy period so push forward toward the things you dream of. Sometimes new training or studying is required to create a core for what these new steps are going to be. It may be a year of hard work, but you can definitely see the promise as things form to encourage your change. You are laying down a foundation. Just as you would not hurry the forming of concrete at the base of the house because it will crack, you should learn patience and focus. When you plant a seed, you cannot hurry its growth.

You’ll find your personal health energy at a good level, perhaps higher than it has been for some time. It is a good time to start any new plan such as exercise or diet.

You can resist this change, but it will be like trying to swim upstream in a strong current. Your past starts disappearing… problems, disappointments disappear… but also friends and associations that are no longer necessary or supportive of your evolution go their separate ways.

You are open to adventure and major change. It is a fantastic time to make jumps in career and money sectors of your life.

The keywords for this year are I, me, and mine.

Schedule a Reading or Energy Balancing with Lindy Baker NOW.


Personal Year 2
. . .Emotion and Creation

This year marks a change in your emotional development. You may feel your self-control is being tested, especially as you may find yourself emotionally over-sensitive.

This is a great time to get creative with all that emotion. If you aspire to be a writer, songwriter, musician, fashion designer, filmmaker, or an artist of any kind, it is a time to get busy on your project. Most of what happens moves you forward from wherever you were to new emotional experiences. Emotional extremes may be prevalent, along with bouts of depression and/or anxiety. Remember: All anxiety is unused creativity.

This is a time for developing relationships, especially new ones to perhaps replace those that were dissolved in the last couple of years as you entered into your new nine-year cycle. It’s also a time when you actually experience new activities and social environments.

Personal Year 2 is anything but easy. Many people have extremely low energy during this time and experience losses of various kinds.

When adding your month, day and the current year, if the total is “11” which is broken down into a 2, your number is “11” and not “2” because 11 is a major number.  In an “11” year, you will experience a very deep relationship with someone. This person may be a Mentor, or the relationship could actually result in a marriage. Married and those in a commitment may find themselves emotionally wandering during an 11 year. Areas that the relationship needs to be strengthened may become quite clear. It is a year when your purpose in life becomes clearer. People can become quite intuitive during this time and experience déjà vu and number sequences often.

Schedule a Reading or Energy Balancing with Lindy Baker NOW


Personal Year 3
. . . Spontaneity, Legal Matters, Moving

This is a social year when it is quite easy to be happy. Any love affairs tend to be more just that rather than long term, though a long-term arrangement can evolve and is not completely out of the question.

You may have a tendency to be quite spontaneous, even if that has not been your way in the past. Many people make long distance moves in a Personal Year 3. This year also has a tendency to bring matters of real estate purchasing and selling, and matters of a legal nature, such as lawsuits.

You are inclined to scatter energies and undertake to do too many things at the same time.

Any creative projects you started last year have a tendency to become very solid now. You’ll find your verbal skills flowing. Many people whose birth date adds up to a 3 have strong acting and creative skills.

One caution for a 3 year is to avoid jumping into anything business or career-wise without fully researching it first. Opportunities that show up this year have a tendency to change from what was presented or not pan out as expected. You can easily be left out on a limb as things change quickly.

A good policy for this year is to wait 3 days before you say “yes” to anyone or anything.

Schedule a Reading or Energy Balancing with Lindy Baker NOW


Personal Year 4
. . . Financial Increases, Stability, Long-Term Planning

I love the Personal Year 4. From this point on in your nine-year plan, you arrive at some stability in your finances and many things solidify. Many people are able to set aside money for savings and retirement in a Personal 4 year. It is a year to plan and stick with the plan.

Even if you stumbled in your path by acting hastily last year, this year offers a payoff for hard work. Sometimes in a Personal 4 year there are bonus and overtime payouts that haven’t occurred for you prior. If you don’t have a savings account or 401k plan, now is the time to get one.

Responsibilities may increase, but there is a payoff that will allow freedom in the coming year, so work hard without resentment. Work can cause stress so be sure to pay particular attention to your health, getting needed rest and maintaining a healthy diet at this time.

Unexpected windfalls often happen in a Personal 4 year.

Schedule a Reading or Energy Balancing with Lindy Baker NOW


Personal Year 5
. . . Freedom or Lack of It

In a Personal 5 year, you CRAVE freedom. If your freedom is restricted, you will break ties with the thing or person that is keeping you from coming and going as you wish. Your social activities take on special importance. Tedious tasks are set aside as you live life to the fullest.

Many times in a Personal 5-year opportunities to travel come out of nowhere. You may find deals that are unbelievable and so you are not quite as responsible as you probably should be. Excitement and adventure seem to call your name everywhere you go.

If you cannot answer this wild call to adventure, your resentment for your obligations and responsibilities can be unbearable. Many times, people are called on to care for an aging parent or have to mend from a broken fall or surgery during this time, so the lack of freedom is accented. Your ability to focus on mundane tasks is limited and if pressured to do them, you may bolt from a relationship or job that is a good one.

Put off making major job or relationship changes until much later in your Personal 5 year.

Schedule a Reading or Energy Balancing with Lindy Baker NOW


Personal Year 6
. . . Family, Partners, and Partnerships

If you are single in a 6 year, your drive to obtain a partner or companion becomes a strong urge. You may feel unbearably lonely or forlorn and will crave the presence of others around you. There are more marriages occurring in a Personal 6 year as a result.

If married, and you are in a Personal 6 year, you’ll focus on spending more time with your mate and family, reaffirming your love for each other and making special times and memories together.

Many people who have an entrepreneurial spirit carve out their own business during a Personal 6 year. Forming a partnership now is a solid thing to do.

It may be a year when you’re called on to make sacrifices for those in your family or close circle of friends.  You are more philanthropic now and generous in your caring for other human beings.

You should expect to have a particularly good year insofar as domestic, family and romantic matters are concerned. Your communication of your feelings for others is heightened during this year.

It’s a very good year for socialization and communication.

Schedule a Reading or Energy Balancing with Lindy Baker NOW


Personal Year 7
. . . Intense Analysis, Huge Inner Change

A Personal 7 year tends to be a very introverted and/or introspective year in which you experience tremendous inner change. It’s a year where major evolution takes place in your life. You’ll have a tendency to analyze everything you do and all the reasons you do it.  In Internet lingo, I think of this as a year when you upgrade YOU 1.0 to YOU 3.0.

Many times, people read a lot of self-help materials or enter into counseling of some sort as issues that have been suppressed or forgotten have a tendency to come to the surface through dreams or interaction with people and places from the past. The experience can be compared to downloading all new software onto your computer. By the end of the year, you may find that you have discarded all kinds of habits, changed your entire wardrobe style and color, and made many other physical changes to yourself and your environment.

A Personal Year 7 is a perfect time to “do it the easy way” with my Energy Balancing!

You will have a tendency to become reclusive and sometimes argumentative. The war is really going on inside yourself because events both inside you and outside of you are forcing change and evolution. Sometimes we fight new ideas that burst forth about things we were taught to be our truths by our parents and others as we grew up. Sometimes people feel depressed that what they were taught as the rules for life turn out to no longer be relevant. I call this Belief Betrayal. How did you feel when you found out there was no Santa Claus? That is an example of Belief Betrayal.

It is best to be as open as possible to change during this year in order to make it pass easily and without heavy personal losses such as friendships and partners. If you are the type who blames others instead of taking responsibility for your own actions and changes, your will face some of the most challenging times of your life as you will face real Truth.

Your ability to study and analyze is extremely high. It is easy to over-think, which can create anxiety. Your capacity for research and understanding is at its absolute best.

Many people become quite psychic during this phase, along with deep dreaming. Seeking out hypnotherapy, meditation and massage during this year is wise to make your evolution smoother in the process.

Schedule a Reading or Energy Balancing with Lindy Baker NOW


Personal Year 8
. . . Balance and Financial Gain

This is a POWER year when you can make important financial and material possession  strides in your life. After your Personal Year 7 year and its changes you made, you are more than ready to dig into implementing the new you. During this time getting your finances in order becomes easier to accomplish.

You also have a better picture of what works for you in terms of career and work. It is a good year to jump for that raise or promotion, to move up a notch into a more demanding and challenging work atmosphere.

You’ll be determined to get all areas of your life in order. It’s easy to make major decisions and achieve beyond what you have limited yourself to prior to this time.  Opportunities for advancement and recognition for past and current work come easily now. It is important to take advantage of these opportunities.

Your power and energy levels remain high and peak in this cycle. It is easier to relax and feel good about yourself and what you are accomplishing.

Schedule a Reading or Energy Balancing with Lindy Baker NOW


Personal Year 9
. . .Endings and Ideas

Many things leave your life in this cycle. Sometimes in this cycle, parents and close relatives pass or move away. Divorces also have a tendency to finalize in a Personal Year 9.

You’ll have a tendency to be more philanthropic and caring in this cycle, perhaps volunteering in the community.

Often people from the past come back into our lives creating an effect that we recall values and ideas from the past. Perhaps you return to hobbies and activities that you seemed to lose interest in and had let go of from your life. It’s a happy-go-lucky year in many ways. You may find yourself more accepting of another person’s ideas and beliefs and other cultures.

It’s a time when you find peace in nature and surroundings that are free of chaos. You’ll back off from people who have a tendency to bring drama into their life and yours.

Music takes on strong importance and seems to bring ecstatic relief from any pressures in your life.

By the end of this year, you will have completed a certain phase of your life and already begun feelings and ideas for what you want for changes in the future.

Schedule a Reading or Energy Balancing with Lindy Baker NOW


Articles of interest for 2024     YEAR OF THE DRAGON      FLYING STAR FENG SHUI


Other articles and podcasts by Lindy are at

Lindy Baker, M.Ed., C.E.C.P., Clairvoyant Life Coach, “Top 10 Psychics” Globe Magazine, “Favorite Psychic Medium” About. com, WB5 News San Diego CA, “The Best”, Public Service Award Stark Co. Prosecutor’s Office for Victim/Witness Assistance Program

Lindy Baker is an American world-renown, Gifted Clairvoyant & Life Skills Coach (psychic), Spirit Medium and Messenger.
New Service! Lindy is a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner.  Whether you’re struggling with relationship questions and issues or career and business decisions, you’ll benefit from talking to Lindy. Call/Text (858) 272-6463. Testimonials and other information are available at

Copyright © Lindy Baker. All rights reserved.

Copyright (c) Lindy Baker. All Rights Reserved.

Schedule a Reading or Energy Balancing with Lindy Baker NOW